

Shoulder Bags and Shootings Book Review

Shoulder Bags and Shootings (Haley Randolph Mysteries)Fashionista and amateur sleuth Haley Randolph is in hot pursuit of the season's newest must- have handbag. But soon she's also in hot pursuit of a killer -- when she discovers the corpse of none other than her designer purse party rival . . .

Life is beyond fabulous at the moment for Haley Randolph. She just spent two amazing weeks in Europe with her boyfriend Ty Cameron, owner of Holt's Department Store where Haley works. And now Ty's grandmother, Ada, is letting Haley drive her way-cool Mercedes. Things would be perfect if she could just get her hands on her latest fashion obsession: the new Sinful handbag.

Every store in town is out of stock, and Haley would rather die than buy a knockoff. But when she finds the body of her nemesis, Tiffany Markham, in the trunk of Ada's Mercedes, she's not so sure she wants to trade places after all . . .

Topping the list of suspects, Haley doesn't deny seeing red when Tiffany and her business partner not only stole her purse party idea, but also made more money. But Haley wasn't jealous enough to commit murder. Now she'll have to solve this mystery quickly -- and find that Sinful bag -- before she becomes a killer's next fashion fatality . . .(From FSBMedia)

My Take on the Book:  Shoulder Bags and Shootings is the third novel in Dorothy Howell’s Haley Randolf Mystery series.  I haven't read the other two books in this series but I felt like the author did an awesome job at writing a book that fits a series yet the book can stand alone.  I usually read books in order but lately have found myself reading which ever book I get first.  I do want to get the other two books so that I can get the background scoop on Haley.  The book had good character development.  

This crazy character is obsessed with purses/handbags- I would say a shopaholic in this regard.  Her obsession gets mixed in with the solving of the mystery, which was craftily planned out. I love a good mystery and I race to figured out who, what, when, where and why before it is given to me by the author! This was a very fast paced book that kept me reading and stringing me along in the web of murder.  IF you are a fashionistas  or someone who enjoys a good, clean mystery then this is the book for you!
Thanks to FSB Associates for providing the book for me to read.  The words expressed in MY TAKE on the BOOK, are my own tasty words and opinions.  I'm an Amazon Affiliate. 

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