

Wake up & Shake up Morning Routine Tips for Kids

How do you keep wake up time fun all school year for the kiddos? I know a lot of families struggle once Spring break is over because kids want to sleep in and play all day instead of heading off to school. Here are a few tips to wake up and shake up that morning routine.
kid activities
This sponsored post will give you morning wake up ideas.

We have found that once Spring break is over, everyone has spring fever and they are dragging! They drag to get up in the morning and even drag to get school work completed.  A way to help this is to start the day off with some wake up and shake up time. This will set the tone for the entire day. As parents this does take extra effort on our part because if your home is anything like mine, you also have spring fever and long for the freedom of summer.

Tips to Wake up and Shake up the Mornings

#1 Use an alarm clock- Everyone needs their own alarm clock. Work out a time that they need to be up by, teach them how to set their alarm clock and how to get up and turn it off. Don't put the alarm right by their bed. Put it across the room so that they have to get out of bed to turn it off. 

#2 Teach the kids time and challenge them to beat their morning routine time. This will make get up time a game. Who doesn't love games?

#3 Create a countdown calendar for the end of school. Let them mark off the days every morning.

#4 Plan ahead breakfast and let the kids pick out which foods they will eat in the morning. This will give them something to look forward to. Encourage them to pick out foods that will give them a good balance of carbs and protein to get them to snack time or lunch time. One of our choices are Silk Fruit & Protein drinks. They give the benefits of fruit juice with the power punch of protein. Besides protein, Silk Fruit & Protein is full of Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin C. They currently have Mixed Berry, Mango Peach and Strawberry Banana. 

#5 Go shopping! This doesn't have to cost a lot but go pick out a few new shirts or hair accessories. Hit the clearance items or even thrifty stores. This will give them something new to wear to school just like they do at the beginning of the year. 

#6 Competition! Yes not only can they compete against their own morning time but also anyone else in the house. Friendly competition always wakes and shakes up any dull morning. 

#7 Rock around the sink- Put their favorite music in the bathroom so that they can sing in the shower, while brushing teeth,etc. 

#8 Purchase special plates or napkins for breakfast ONLY! This will give them something to smile about. 

#9 Quick bedroom switch game-Have them go to their room to make their bed real quick. Once they are there, yell out SWITCH and tell them ahead of time that whenever you yell that they have to go make someone else's bed.

Do you find that the morning routine does get boring and is such a chore once spring break is over? How do you wake up and shake up your kids morning routine? Do you do any of the tips that I suggested? Are you going to try any of them? I love to know! 

This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Silk blogging program. The opinions and ideas
expressed here are my own.

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