

Happy National (healthy) French Fry Day

Let's celebrate National French Fry Day with a health recipe for French Fries.
Ok admit it- sometimes you crave a fast food french fry. I know I do. I use to easily eat a large container of my favorite hot, crunchy and salty, fried potato stick. I now eat one single fry. It is enough to remind me what will happen to my body if I eat a large and enough to satisfy my craving for those said french fries! With that being said I am still thrilled to celebrate National French Fry Day!

Why? Even thought french fries are known to be unhealthy, they can also be prepared in healthy ways so they can be enjoyed in moderation and not totally kill the diet/healthier eating plan. French fries are America's favorite side to go along with burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches and more! 

Here are some healthier versions that will satisfy your need for a hot, crunchy, salty side or snack.

Amy Sherman created Paprika Fries. She said that they smell like bacon (drool) without the calories and fat. These are recommended to be served as a tasty dinner side dish or even along side your scrambled eggs. If aioli or garlic mayo are on your eating plan then use those as dips to give these fries a Spanish twist. Her Paprika Fries also make great tapas for parties- quick & easy finger food! Amy recommends that you make these in the ActiFry which will give you the healthiest version possible.
Amy Sherman’s Paprika Fries
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 35 minutes
Serve: 4 people

§  1 ¾ lbs baking potatoes such as Yukon gold
§  ½ ActiFry spoon paprika (or ½ a tablespoon)
§  2 ActiFry spoons vegetable oil (or 2 tablespoons)
§  ½ tsp salt (approx.)

1.       Peel the potatoes and cut into fries of equal thickness, no more than ²⁄3 inch in square thickness recommended. Rinse fries thoroughly in water; drain well. Use a clean kitchen towel to thoroughly dry the fries.
2.       Place the fries in a bowl. Toss gently with the paprika and half of the oil to evenly coat the fries.
3.       Transfer the fries to the ActiFry pan; drizzle evenly with the remaining oil. Cook for 30 to 40 minutes or until the fries are golden and cooked through, (the cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of the fries and the variety of potato used). Season fries with salt (adjust to taste).
4.       Variation: Toss the potatoes with any of your favorite seasoning blends such as Montreal steak spice, Tex Mex seasoning or garlic-herb blend.

Ps- Amy recommends that you cook these in the t-fal ActiFry pan for the healthiest way to eat them but you do not need to cook them that way!

 Click to check out the Gluten Free Baked Carrot Fries! Sooo good!

Enjoy the day! What is your favorite way to eat a French Fry? Who makes the best fries?


  1. Hubby and I own the actifry. .Best invention ever.. Love our fries cooked this way. .without the guilt..

  2. Healthy and French Fries..not two words you think of together often. Great recipe. There's a restaurant here that serves "Irish Chips" and they're great (but not healthy!)

  3. The Paprika Fries sound great. We don't have a ActiFry. But it sounds like something I need to look into. Thanks for the recipe.


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