

Have you Fallen Off of the Wagon?

Can anyone relate? It takes but a bat of the eyelashes to "fall off the wagon"... 

What is this about!? The wagon keeps you moving away and moving forward from things that temp you or drag you to not treating your body and mind as it deserves. For some it is drugs, alcohol, food, sex, gambling, abusive relationship, eating disorders, etc. 

Fall off the wagon support

Have you fallen off the wagon? We are getting close to half way into the new year. What new year goals or resolutions for 2015 did you set but you've fallen off the wagon and lost sight of why you want up?

Are you looking for courage or a way back on the wagon?? If you got up there once, twice, 32 or even 72 times before you can get up again. I am a slow learner and have fallen off many times.

Let's do this. The hard part is reaching your hand up and asking for help. My hand is reached out and down to you and ready to help you up.....take my hand.

If you can relate to any of this and want to be in a safe group with like minded people who are struggling then leave a comment with email contact, email me at, follow me on Facebook as I have an online group for you or I can work with you one on one online or locally. Together we fight back.

Sometimes women have body image issues related to childhood loss. I know this personally. Here are some of my tips. 
12 Successful Weight Loss Tips:

1- You are NOT Alone with your Body Image Struggles
2-  21 Day Fix - learn to eat what your body needs
3- Make Time to Walk #MakeTime
4- Nutrition and Exercise Tips
5- How to Start Walking Tips #MakeTime 
6- Weight Loss Tips #MakeTime
7- Top 10 Healthy Changes to Make Today
8- Top 10 Ways to Make Exercise More Enjoyable #MakeTime
9- Follow my SusieQTpies Cafe for daily updates on Facebook
10- Join the Make Time Healthier Lifestyle Community on Facebook
11 - Join my FREE email list for at least 1-2 times a month updates on healthy living. 

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