

Special For 3 People Who are Wanting to Feel Better & Healthier this Summer!

For all my regular readers, you know that I'm a health coach. I've been on a healthier lifestyle journey for 3 yeas now. I have lost 100 lbs and work at it daily to decide to eat right or not eat right, to exercise or to not exercise and so on! This past year I became a health coach to reach out and help others who struggle as I do. I have struggled with my body weight and body image my entire life. Three years ago I made a change and took a chance at feeling better and having turned back! Can I help you get started on your healthier lifestyle journey?
Take a Chance for a Healthier Lifestyle

Right now I have a SPECIAL for 3 people who are looking to feel better, eat better and even drop weight (10-15 lbs in the first 3 weeks) all while having a health coach (ME!) to help you meet your goals! I have at least 20 of you who have been talking to me about wanting to give this a try! Only 3 are able to get my special. 

I have a business goal to meet to be able to make it to this amazing party at our Beachbody convention next month in Nashville, TN. So I am offering a special discount for any program plus Shakeology ordered! Help me reach this goal? And I will help you reach YOURS! It's a Win-Win!

Message me at cafescrapper at gmail dot com, leave a message here with your email addy or find me on Facebook and message me there and l can give you the scoop! Don't wait because these 3 spots will fill up fast! Take a chance on me helping you get started today! 

Sometimes women and men have body image issues related to childhood loss. I know this personally. Here are some of my tips. 
Top Lucky 13 Successful Weight Loss Tips:

1- You are NOT Alone with your Body Image Struggles
2-  21 Day Fix - learn to eat what your body needs
3- Make Time to Walk #MakeTime
4- Nutrition and Exercise Tips
5- How to Start Walking Tips #MakeTime 
6- Weight Loss Tips #MakeTime
7- Top 10 Healthy Changes to Make Today
8- Top 10 Ways to Make Exercise More Enjoyable #MakeTime
9- Follow my SusieQTpies Cafe for daily updates on Facebook
10- Join the Make Time Healthier Lifestyle Community on Facebook
11 - Join my FREE email list for at least 1-2 times a month updates on healthy living. 

Fat Shaming Tips! #MakeTime365

So there is this post going around Facebook about Fat Shaming and how there are worse things for someone to be besides "fat".... agree or disagree? 

Fat is an outward appearance just as brown skin, white shin, short hair, long legs, hairy body, etc. So if all we do is judge someone by their outward appearance then we have a problem in our society. 

fat shaming

Did you know that when you judge someone on their outward appearance then you are the one with the problem, not the person you are judging. 

I have been heavy my entire life. I still remember as a kid being given diet suppressant chocolate chews called Aydes (while being fed high fat high carb processed foods) and going to Weight Watchers with family or hearing about how unhappy they were with their body their entire lives. Did these people give me fresh fruit and veggies and teach me about healthy living? NO! 

When all you hear is negative then you live your life in the negative. So when you judge someone who is already negative because of their outward appearance you are only aiding in their negative outlook.

Fat Shaming Tips

#1 Stop judging others on their outward appearance. Go take care of your own problems and TRUST me you have them because everyone has them. Get a mirror and take a look and then come talk to me. I can help you, too. 

#2 Stop letting judgers have power of you. Take revenge on them. Want to know how? Message me or leave an email addy as I have been working on this Revenge plan and journey for 3 years. It is working and I'm winning. 

Sometimes women and men have body image issues related to childhood loss. I know this personally. Here are some of my tips. 
12 Successful Weight Loss Tips:

1- You are NOT Alone with your Body Image Struggles
2-  21 Day Fix - learn to eat what your body needs
3- Make Time to Walk #MakeTime
4- Nutrition and Exercise Tips
5- How to Start Walking Tips #MakeTime 
6- Weight Loss Tips #MakeTime
7- Top 10 Healthy Changes to Make Today
8- Top 10 Ways to Make Exercise More Enjoyable #MakeTime
9- Follow my SusieQTpies Cafe for daily updates on Facebook
10- Join the Make Time Healthier Lifestyle Community on Facebook
11 - Join my FREE email list for at least 1-2 times a month updates on healthy living. 


Easy DIY Powder Laundry Soap

This is our third batch of dry laundry soap! We LOVE it! I've seen a lot of recipes for the goopy liquid soap but I didn't want to have to melt the soap. This recipe is no fuss and works great. It also saves us a lot of money and time. 
DIY Laundry Soap

One batch last us easily 8 months. There are plenty of blogs that will tell you exact cost and price breakdown. I do not have that included in my post. I order all of my supplies on Amazon and it runs me around $40. 

DIY Laundry Soap

Easy DIY Powder Laundry Soap


3 -14 oz. bars of ZOTE, grated
3 small boxes of Baking Soda
4 lbs. 20 Mule Team BORAX
1-2 large containers of Purex Crystals or other softer (optional)
3 lbs. Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda


1- Gather up 3 containers with lids. We use ice cream buckets.
2- Shred ZOTE by hand. It takes less than 5 minutes to do this and the only tedious part. It is just like shredding a block of cheese. I shred one and dump it in a container. Then same for the next 2. 
3-Pour one box of baking soda in each container.
4-Pour 1/3 of OXICLEAN in each container.
5-Pour 1/3 of BORAX in each container.
6-Pour Crystals/Beads equally in each container.
7-Pour 1/3 Super Washing Soda in each container.
8-Add lids and shake them.
9-Easy and done in 10 minutes tops. 
10-I use the OXICLEAN container because it has a lid to pour in soap that we use on a regular basis. Some people use cute containers. I just keep the large container stacked in the laundry room until ready to use.
11- Use 2 Tbsp of soap per load. 

Seriously this is the easiest stuff to make. We have allergy issues with some brands of detergents but never with this one. I have a front loading HE washer and drying and the powder works just fine. I add it to the drum and then the clothes. No problem with that at all.

Again, I do not have the exact price breakdown but on average we wash 8 loads a week. This usually last around 8-9 months which would be around 34 weeks. That works out to be 272 loads of laundry at a total of $40 or $.15 a load. This is my estimation and will vary depending on how much you pay for your supplies. 

bathroom cleaner

I also make my own every day bathroom cleaner. We use it on the toilet, sink and tub. I keep the spray bottle near the sink/tub and use it as often as needed which depends on the traffic! I keep a scrub brush container of it hanging in the shower to be used as needed.

Other Cleaners


Save on Dove Beauty Products at Walgreens and Share Your #BeautyStory

I really believe that our beauty comes from the inside out. When we struggle with our inner beauty then we aren't able to inspire others to be their best. Being beautiful is seeing yourself for who you are and being the best you ever. This is pure beauty. Once you can knock out negative doubts, negative talk and care for your body in healthy ways then your true beauty will shine through. Once you do that then you will be the best you and you will inspire others to be the best that they can be.
walgreens duane reade

This my family's beauty secret which I have shared with my three daughters. They are all of the age to be the best that they can be and to inspire other young women. So are you taking care of yourself so you can inspire others? Thanks to Global Influence for sponsoring this post. My own words and opinions are expressed here today.
walgreens points

Did you know that during the month of May, Walgreens and Duane Reade is celebrating beauty all month long. During this event you can go to the Beauty counter or ask your Beauty Advisor for a $2.00 coupon for Dove products. These coupons are valid through 7/24/15. While you are there, make sure you pick up your free Dove Sample (while supplies last). Also, when you spend $15 on Dove products you will receive 3,000 Balance Rewards Points until 5/30/15, These savings can be used at Walgreens and Duane Reade. Then you will be the next to share a beauty secret.


Have you Fallen Off of the Wagon?

Can anyone relate? It takes but a bat of the eyelashes to "fall off the wagon"... 

What is this about!? The wagon keeps you moving away and moving forward from things that temp you or drag you to not treating your body and mind as it deserves. For some it is drugs, alcohol, food, sex, gambling, abusive relationship, eating disorders, etc. 

Fall off the wagon support

Have you fallen off the wagon? We are getting close to half way into the new year. What new year goals or resolutions for 2015 did you set but you've fallen off the wagon and lost sight of why you want up?

Are you looking for courage or a way back on the wagon?? If you got up there once, twice, 32 or even 72 times before you can get up again. I am a slow learner and have fallen off many times.

Let's do this. The hard part is reaching your hand up and asking for help. My hand is reached out and down to you and ready to help you up.....take my hand.

If you can relate to any of this and want to be in a safe group with like minded people who are struggling then leave a comment with email contact, email me at, follow me on Facebook as I have an online group for you or I can work with you one on one online or locally. Together we fight back.

Sometimes women have body image issues related to childhood loss. I know this personally. Here are some of my tips. 
12 Successful Weight Loss Tips:

1- You are NOT Alone with your Body Image Struggles
2-  21 Day Fix - learn to eat what your body needs
3- Make Time to Walk #MakeTime
4- Nutrition and Exercise Tips
5- How to Start Walking Tips #MakeTime 
6- Weight Loss Tips #MakeTime
7- Top 10 Healthy Changes to Make Today
8- Top 10 Ways to Make Exercise More Enjoyable #MakeTime
9- Follow my SusieQTpies Cafe for daily updates on Facebook
10- Join the Make Time Healthier Lifestyle Community on Facebook
11 - Join my FREE email list for at least 1-2 times a month updates on healthy living. 


Mothering the Motherless

When you do not grow up with your biological mother you are motherless. So many have a stand in mother or mothers but deep down you are motherless. I can't speak for those who were adopted at birth or for those who were too young to have remembered their biological mother but for those who knew their mom and then didn't have her during their childhood years are motherless women. Many become motherless moms. The loss could have been intentional, by death or even unintentional. I'm speaking  my perspective here so if you have something to share, please leave a comment. 

I'm one of those motherless moms. I was old enough to know that I had a mother who chose a life without me. I never felt like I was enough for anyone or for anything I did because I was given away by the person who gave birth to me. Who would do this? Years ago when I was in college and at a counseling appointment, the counselor told me that by giving me away it was her act of love. She knew that she couldn't mother so gave me away. I have never agreed with that statement and I never will. I think she was extremely selfish and ran away and tossing away her commitments. I've been motherless for well over 35 years. If she is reading this blog, please do not try and reconnect with me. I've forgiven you and your actions well over 20 years ago. I have no desire to know you as your past has taught me to never trust you. (Oh don't worry my father gave me away, too and I have zero trust in him as well!) So his action hurt me in other ways but that of course isn't for a mother's day post. 

So that is why I am who I am today. Today is "Mother's Day" which has always been bittersweet to me. Sure I had women in my life who were like a mom but I didn't have a mom. So being a mom didn't mean much to me until these humans were born (see above photo). Now that I know what a mom is,  I'm better for it. It is true on the job training 24/7 365 a year for the past almost 21 years. These women haven't fired me, yet and I hope that they never do!

Giving thanks and praise to God today and every day since their birth and for my husband, Mark with whom these 3 bouncing baby girl blessings came about.

So motherless moms can turn out ok! They can still care for those little ones they give birth to. No matter what, do give forgiveness to the one who is no longer with you. It will give you so much peace. How do you mother the motherless moms? Motherless moms can and will  find mom role models in those around them. I know that I did. If anything, it taught me to keep my commitments to at least 4 people.

Read Mom: The Unwritten Letter, too!

If you can relate to any of this and want to be in a safe group with like minded people who are struggling then leave a comment with email contact, email me at cafescrapper @, follow me on my Private Facebook Group Mirror Mirror  as I have an online group for you or I can work with you one on one online or locally. Together we fight back.

Sometimes women have body image issues related to childhood loss. I know this personally. Here are some of my tips. 
12 Successful Weight Loss Tips:

1- You are NOT Alone with your Body Image Struggles
2-  21 Day Fix - learn to eat what your body needs
3- Make Time to Walk #MakeTime
4- Nutrition and Exercise Tips
5- How to Start Walking Tips #MakeTime 
6- Weight Loss Tips #MakeTime
7- Top 10 Healthy Changes to Make Today
8- Top 10 Ways to Make Exercise More Enjoyable #MakeTime
9- Follow my SusieQTpies Cafe for daily updates on Facebook
10- Join the Make Time Healthier Lifestyle Community on Facebook
11 - Join my FREE email list for at least 1-2 times a month updates on healthy living. 


I Was The So-Called Unhealthy Fat Woman At The Cardinals Game {Healthier Lifestyle Journey}

So how many of you saw the photo of the lady at the Cardinals game being body shamed by a person sitting behind her?

For anyone reading this who has been bullied because of their weight or body then reading it had to make you feel horrible for that lady. My first thought was,"He doesn't even know her or her struggles." 

I grew up being bullied with words and physical abuse because of my weight from adults in my life to kids on the school bus. I grew up constantly hearing and seeing people unhappy with their bodies. I remember as a kid being fed Aydes diet chocolates. Can anyone relate? 

I know adults in my FB friend list who have bullied people with a weight issue right in front of me AND just a week ago someone mocked people running/walking in a 5K because they were so out of breath and had "no right trying to walk/run like that." 
It takes a lifetime to erase the negative voices and I have learned you do not need to do it alone. This lady isn't doing it alone either. Her story and reply to this so called personal training is at the link. 

If you can relate to any of this and want to be in a safe group with like minded people who are struggling then leave a comment with email contact, email me at, follow me on Facebook as I have an online group for you or I can work with you one on one online or locally. Together we fight back.

12 Successful Weight Loss Tips:

1- You are NOT Alone with your Body Image Struggles
2-  21 Day Fix - learn to eat what your body needs
3- Make Time to Walk #MakeTime
4- Nutrition and Exercise Tips
5- How to Start Walking Tips #MakeTime 
6- Weight Loss Tips #MakeTime
7- Top 10 Healthy Changes to Make Today
8- Top 10 Ways to Make Exercise More Enjoyable #MakeTime
9- Follow my SusieQTpies Cafe for daily updates on Facebook
10- Join the Make Time Healthier Lifestyle Community on Facebook
11 - Join my FREE email list for at least 1-2 times a month updates on healthy living. 


Dear Shark Fitness Training, (I got the article, here)
I recently saw that you were at the same Cardinals game that I was. I assume that you were sitting right behind me. I did not pay attention to you because I am a huge Cardinals fan and was very excited to be able to go to a game.
I realized you were not interested in the game as much as you were about my weight and my eating habits. I noticed the next day that you posted pictures of me eating and commenting about my weight and my habits.
Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 2.10.34 PM

You made it clear that you want to fight obesity through shaming me and that I cared very little about my health.
Well, let me tell you a little about myself.
My name is B. It was not that long ago that I was over 400 pounds. I struggled with eating and my weight for a long time. I was unable to do many of the functions that others could. I could not put on my pants one leg at a time. I could not cross my legs. Being over 400 pounds was hard.
So one day I decided to change. One day I told myself it was enough. One day I said that I could not do this anymore. I did not make that decision because of people like you. I did not make that decision out of tough love but rather love for myself.
Finally one day I decided to change.
And I did. I started to eat a little less. I started to move a little more. It is funny how easy “Eat Less Move More” truly sounds. Wow, it is so damn tough.
Then I lost close to 70 pounds. I walked into the park and took a seat at a picnic table. I cried my eyes out. I could not stop crying.
I did not cry because I was still well over 350 pounds. I did not cry because I was as you would say “A disgusting fat pig”. No, I cried because, for the first time in years, I was able to sit at a picnic table. I was able to do something that “normal” people can do. I started to get my life back.
The more weight I lost, the more I got back. I was able to walk over a mile. I was able to do 30 minutes at the gym. I was able to have my significant other give me a true hug. I was…
I was B again.
I have lost well over 150 pounds. I get it, to you I am still huge and gross but I can look in the mirror now. I love myself now. It is not easy.
I do Crossfit or Zumba. I never thought I could but I can! I go to the gym when I can. I try to get into a fitness class when I can as well.
I also made a promise to track whatever food I possibly could no matter what. What you do not know is that as much as you think I was “too fat to fit in a seat”…
That was the first game I was able to go to. That was the first time I was able to fit into that seat. And as much as you wanted to “track” my food and tell me how horrible it was, I can tell you by MyFitnessPal app, which I love, I had 1400 calories. I also worked out that morning, and when I went on the scale today, I was down three pounds from last week.
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I noticed today you compared yourself to fitness guru Maria Kang, and that is a joke. She might hate obesity, but she does not “hate” obese people. She might want to fight particular foods, but she does not “single out others”. She is a trainer, you are not.
I have a trainer, and you give trainers a bad name. A true coach would never judge or insult others without knowing their story. In fact, they would not insult them at all.
I was upset at first that you posted my pic but after the response I am proud. I am proud of what I have accomplished. I am proud of the person I am. I am proud that I went to the game and was able to get in that seat.
I have no words to say to you. I did not pay attention to you at all. As I said, I went to watch a game, not to humiliate others.
Next time you see me, do me a favor and say hi…
I would love for you to meet a true weight loss success story…
Actually, you already did…just never knew it.


You Are Not Alone with Your Body Image Struggles

This is a serious post which could be a huge help to some of you or you might know of someone who could use this information. You have my full permission to share this post with others and get me connected with people who are having any of the below issues. 
I started a private Facebook group a few weeks ago called "Mirror Mirror" and here is why. I've suffered body image issues my entire life. My issues stem from being bullied, sexually/physcially/mentally abused, abandoned by parents, and more. I have a family history of drug and alcohol abuse. I'm not in contact any longer with the people who have harmed me as a child but the scars are deep. I've learned that growing up with addictive parents/relatives in your environment causes you to have an addictive personality as well. I've also learned over the years with counseling and with living life on how to deal with these issues. It is an on going process. FYI I'm at the point where I have forgiven all in my past who have trespassed against me, bullied me, harmed me in any way. This isn't easy to get to but when you do, the power is in your court instead of theirs. Can you relate to any of this?

My addiction has been food. I feel that I've been so blessed to have not given into drugs and alcohol but know food is just as damaging. Others aren't so luck with the alcohol or drugs. How about you? What is your addiction?
So by creating this private group I know that I can help others and it will also help me. I've worked 3 years to be healthier and have been on a healthier lifestyle journey to deal with food addiction and other issues because of my past. I've already lost 100 pounds and still have more to go to get to my goal weight. Even thought I've lost 100 pounds, when I look in the mirror I don't always see me at my current size. Do you have this problem?
I have a partner in my adventure and we have 15 other ladies in our group so far. Here is what Donna has shared about the group, "Do any of you struggle with body image, food addiction, emotional eating, issues with food/weight/self-esteem rooted in your childhood/young adult experiences?" and "Our group isn't run by therapist and we are not a replacement for counseling but we are both women who have suffered many of these issues. This group as a safe place to share and have those "me, too" moments and you'll find resources, discussions and support within the group."
So feel free to leave your email addy in the comments, follow me on Facebook and message me there or email me at and I'll discuss this with you and gladly add you to the group if you think this group is for you. IF you don't feel comfortable in a group setting, I do one-on-one meeting with ladies and guys already to help them with their issues. What do you see when you look in the mirror?

I'm praying that if this group suits you in some way that you will click over and send me a message. Guess what? You don't even have to speak up in the group until you are ready and maybe you will never be ready. BUT it is comforting to know you are not alone and we are sharing ways to help you through things are aware of and maybe not even aware of today.

10 Successful Weight Loss Tips:

1- 21 Day Fix - learn to eat what your body needs
2- Make Time to Walk #MakeTime
3- Nutrition and Exercise Tips
4- How to Start Walking Tips #MakeTime 
5- Weight Loss Tips #MakeTime
6- Top 10 Healthy Changes to Make Today
7- Top 10 Ways to Make Exercise More Enjoyable #MakeTime
8- Follow my SusieQTpies Cafe for daily updates on Facebook
9- Join the Make Time Healthier Lifestyle Community on Facebook
10 - Join my FREE email list for at least 1-2 times a month updates on healthy living.